May 13, 1970

Woodstock West: Final Day

Roughly 1,200 guardsmen, 200 police, and 200 air national guardsmen assemble in the neighborhood around Woodstock West.

Woodstock West, guardsmen and police on campus

Photograph Credit: University of Denver Historical Photograph Collection. Photographer unknown.

The encampment is trashed and then bulldozed, but the atmosphere remains friendly – guardsmen, some of whom were also DU students, joke with the few remaining students. As dispersal happens, there are roughly 40 arrests.

Woodstock West, students, guards, guns

Photograph Credit: University of Denver Historical Photograph Collection. Photographer unknown.

By that evening, police and guards are still present, but the people have dispersed. Woodstock West is, for all intents and purposes, dismantled. 

Woodstock West, students, motorcycle, American Flag

Photograph Credit: University of Denver Historical Photograph Collection. Photographer unknown.